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Guillermo Akapo Bisoko
Movement Scientist Fellow

Guillermo Akapo Bisoko, of Equatoguinean origin, is a specialist in Afro-Latin American and Caribbean Studies at The Afro-Latin American Research Institute (ALARI) at Harvard University. He is one of the coordinators of the first anti-racist, pan-Africanist and decolonial communication and journalism platform in Spain, Blvck Pvper. Akapo Bisoko is an anti-racist activist with extensive experience in different social movements in Spain. He has been active in spaces such as Sos Racismo Madrid, La Assembly Antiracista, and CNAAE- Comunidad Negra Africana y Afrodescendientes de España, and is currently part of the Tarragona chapter of the EqualHealth Campaign Against Racism.

Project: Recopilación de datos sobre el impacto de los medios españoles en las comunidades negras, reproducción del discurso de odio, racismo y el papel de la justicia en las comunidades españolas y negras // Compilation of data on the impact of the Spanish media on Black communities, reproduction of hate speech, racism, and the role of justice in Spanish and Black communities

Akapo Bisoko is at the helm of Blvck Pvper, a digital journalistic project for the community. This initiative works to eliminate racial and other forms of discrimination, promoting social wellbeing, education, and public health for all. Blvck Pvper also focuses on preserving the historical memory of the Black African community, Afro-descendants, and other diverse populations in Spain. The project strives to ensure the effective visibility of these communities in all public spheres of Spanish society, understanding that telling their stories is a political act, and recognizing the importance of doing so from an Afro-centered digital media perspective.