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November 19, 2024
Climate justice D4BL III

D4BL III: Water, Public Investment & Power

Breakout Title: Water, Public Investment & Power

Location: Hoffman Boardroom

Breakout Description: By 2100, sea-level rise will lead to the displacement of up to 13 million people in the United States. In Miami alone, over 1 million people will be displaced. This process is already evident in Black communities on higher ground, such as Little Haiti and Liberty City. Today, race is the number one indicator of whether someone has access to clean water, and nationwide, Black and Indigenous communities are being deprived of access to clean water and sanitation infrastructure. Neither the lack of access to clean water nor the threat posed by rising seas are inevitable. But we have a chance to write a different story of how activists, organizers, data scientists, biologists, and policymakers worked together to protect what none of us can survive without: water and the ground unto which we stand.

Moderator: Dr. Kilan Bishop Panelists: Nicole Crooks, Samantha Barquin, Ana Samantha, Ayana Albertini-Fleurant