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November 19, 2024
Data governance Organizing D4BL III

D4BL III: Utilizing Public Datasets for Good

Utilizing Public Datasets for Good

Location: Hoffman Boardroom

Part 1: The Average Is Not the Story: Disaggregating Federal Data Sources Facilitators: Angel Aliseda and K’lila Nooning, GovEx

GovEx’s mission is to unlock the power of data for public good. Typically, we guide cities through the development and implementation of a citywide data strategy, the goal of which is to have a net positive resident impact. When evaluating a resident’s experience, however, many evaluations will stop at a citywide average. By peeling back the layers of data and disaggregating it into various demographic categories, we see that the realities of people’s lived experiences may vary greatly. We will use the City Data Explorer, GovEx’s city-level data aggregator, to demonstrate a method for undertaking this work.

Part 2: A Walkthrough of Black Wealth Data Center Tools & Data Resources

Facilitator: Letisha Smith,Black Wealth Data Center

The Black Wealth Data Center provides free actionable data disaggregated by race to empower policymakers, elected officials, grassroots activists, and non-profit leaders seeking to understand and address racial wealth equity in their communities. In this hands-on workshop, participants will explore BWDC’s powerful tools through real world scenarios. From addressing the digital divide to developing equitable housing policies, participants will discover how BWDC’s free data can inform their program design, research, content and policymaking needs. To explore the data visit the Black Wealth Data Center’s website.