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November 20, 2024
Economic justice Social determinants D4BL III

D4BL III: Food, Land & Justice

Breakout Title: Food, Land & Justice

Location: Auditorium

Breakout Description: It is estimated that twenty-five percent of Black people live under food apartheid. Black people living under food apartheid are 80% more likely to be diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. They are four times more likely to suffer from kidney failure and other health issues that result from obesity. Data has been crucial in making food a weapon against Black communities, from the data-driven justification for land removal to the reliance on historical redlining practices to decide where supermarkets are built, not to mention the trillion-dollar investment in targeted food marketing advertisements. Today, big tech companies are investing heavily in emerging fields like synthetic biology that have important implications for the world’s food supply. But these speakers are reclaiming food as a pathway for social change. In this panel, we ask what food justice and food sovereignty look like right now and in the future? What will this mean for the reclamation of our communities, of rural and urban space, and for self-determination?

Moderator: Reverend Heber Brown, III Panelists: Daniel G. Aaron, Cicely Garrett, Roger Horne, Dr. Ashanté M. Reese